Discover Our Ministries
At Open Door Baptist Church, we are dedicated to serving our congregation and our community through a range of ministries. We believe that faith is most impactful when it's put into action, and our ministries are designed to do just that. Explore the ways we're making a difference and how you can get involved.

At Open Door, we believe spiritual growth starts in the home. While it's not the church's job to lead your family or raise your children, it IS our job to aid you in that work. That's why we want to partner with and assist you as you pursue a Christ-centered relationship with your spouse and children.
The goals of "Homelife" are to build happy, God-honoring marriages, teach our children about and lead them to Jesus Christ, and launch them into adult life as committed believers.
"So, what exactly is Homelife?"
Homelife is a resource-based family ministry at Open Door that provides numerous materials and resources to you throughout the year free of charge. No matter what season you are at in life, from being single and pursuing a spouse to wanting to be a Godly influence for your grandchildren, Homelife has something for you.
We offer pamphlets for over 30 life seasons, and recommended books that correspond with each pamphlet, audio podcasts from marriage and family experts, fun activities and date-night ideas for your children and spouse, resource kits for your children at integral stages of their lives, and much more.
Below are some examples of what Homelife offers you and your family. We hope you enjoy them. And we hope you'll stop by our Homelife Center at Open Door for more resources that will aid you in creating a culture of intentionality in your home.
Season Pointers

Season Pointers are pamphlets that cover a variety of topics, each one discussing a different season of life. Each Pointer also recommends books about each topic, allowing you to dig deeper. Below are a few examples. More are available at our Homelife Center.

Recipe Cards
Recipe Cards are date-night and activity ideas for your spouse and children. Below are three examples of recipe cards available at our Homelife Center.

Faith Path is designed to assist parents in developing their children's spiritual lives from birth to adulthood. There are 13 steps, each with a helpful kit full of resources given to parents at integral birthdays in your child's life. Visit our Homelife Center at Open Door for more information!
LIFEgroups is our small group bible studies and another way for you to get connected at Open Door, to meet new people, build relationships, and dig deeper in God's Word. Come join us every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Below are answers to some common questions you might have if you are new to our LifeGroup Bible studies.
What are LIFEgroups?
LIFEgroups is our Wednesday night small-group Bible studies that take place throughout the school year.
What should I expect when I visit for the first time?
Groups are divided up by age, so there's a class for everyone. Each class is a comfortable, small-group setting, where everyone sits around a table and enjoys an open-discussion and an in-depth Bible study.
Are LIFEgroups available for my family?
Yes. Each age group has a Bible-study class. So no matter what stage you're at in life, there's a class for you!
Is childcare provided for my younger children?
Absolutely. Our nurseries are clean, safe, and staffed with loving workers.

Music Ministry
One of the most powerful and penetrating experiences found in church services today is the dynamic of numerous voices lifted in passionate worship. It is pleasing to God, fulfilling to the worshiper, and compelling to the seeker.
At Open Door, we are not necessarily looking for great voices, but for great worshipers. We all have one thing in common…a love for Jesus and a desire to worship and praise Him to the best of our abilities.
Choir Rehearsal
The choir rehearses every Sunday at 6 p.m. in the Worship Center. Child care is provided. Do you want to see what we're all about and get a taste of the ODBC Choir behind the scenes? Visit a Choir Rehearsal! We are excited to welcome guests each week in rehearsals! We welcome singers in all voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). If you are a junior in high school and above, we invite you to join this family of worshipers. We worship, work, laugh, cry, and grow together week by week. There are no auditions, and no one is ever turned away. We have room for you. Come and worship with us.
Sunday Worship
The choir sings each Sunday during the 10:00am worship service. We meet for warm-up at 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary prior to each Sunday morning worship service.
For more information about the Adult Worship Choir, please contact Diana Taylor.
Our Children's Ministry is from nursery to 5th grade.
Nursery is split up into two classes:
Bed Babies for newborn - 1 year, or walking
Creepers for toddlers 1-3 years
From age 3, and potty-trained, to 1st grade, Children's Church is available.
Children from 2nd-5th grade participate in our regular adult church services, but are provided with a worksheet that encourages them to follow along with the pastor's message. Children join the Youth Group starting in 6th grade.
We have a secure campus. Upon arrival the parent/guardian must check in each child and will receive a matching security badge at check-in. This security badge must be present to pick up each child.

Ashley Doyle

"Be watchful, stand firm in faith, act like men, be strong."
1 Corinthians 16:13
“Ready, Set, Hut!” These are familiar words as a football teams executes a play. Just as football players are disciplined in practice to be the best they can be in the game, we as men also need disciplines to be effective in being the best Christian men we can be where ever life takes us.
At Open Door, you have the opportunity to build great friendships with other men that will encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
Our Men's Ministry is a great way for you to get connected at Open Door. Every month, we have a separate, in-depth Bible study and time of fellowship, to dig deeper in God's Word, to grow as men and husbands in the Lord.
We would love for you to join us. Below are some events coming up in the Men's Ministry.
Men's Fellowship
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6pm.
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."
Proverbs 31:25
In today's world Christian women need a lot of encouragement and support to deal with the challenges of a busy lifestyle. Open Door Baptist Church provides you the encouragement and support you are looking for.
Our Women's Ministry is a great way for you to get connected at Open Door. Every month, we have a separate, in-depth Bible study and time of fellowship, to dig deeper in God's Word, to grow as women and wives in the Lord.

Stephanie Dubard

Open Door Youth Ministry desires to reach and disciple students and their families with the love of Christ.
With a vision to raise up and develop the next generation, our student ministry consists of relevant teaching and creative and interactive activities that help encourage students to know God and make Him known wherever they are.
Youth meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Youth Building located at 17114 HWY 171, Ragley, LA. We serve supper and study God's Word and guide the youth in daily application of His Word. Open Door Youth ages are completed 6th thru 12th grade.
Youth Leader Group

Open Door’s Young Adult ministry desires to study the word of God together for how He would have us live our lives. We desire to develop healthy relationships. We desire to live out the challenge in Acts 1:8 to proclaim the Gospel in our church, community, state, nation, and this world. We desire to invest in people in a way that will matter in eternity. We believe that we can work together to be a catalyst for spiritual awakening in our lives, in our city, state, and in this world.
Young Adults meet every Sunday at 5pm at the Williams' house.
You will enjoy fellowship, supper, and a study of God's Word.
Children are welcomed!

Josh Williams